In this section, you will find the latest software updates, manuals and other important downloads for TELchart V3.

  Note that TELchart V3 was last updated in 2011, and is no longer for sale or being updated.
 Note that TELchart V3 is only compatible with Windows version up to and including Windows XP. All newer Windows versions require TELchart ECS.
 TELchart V3 software has version numbers with the following structure: 3.5.1.xx. You can check your version number by pressing F4 on your keyboard.


Latest Version (

Released 5. January 2011


Filename Description
TELchartV3Update.exe Update an exisiting TELchart V3 installation to the latest version.
TELchartV3Installer.exe Complete installation program for the latest version.
Filename Description
telchartv3no.pdf Norwegian TELchart V3 Manual (pdf)
telchartv3us.pdf English TELchart V3 Manual (pdf)
Installasjons veileding.doc Norwegian TELchart V3 Software Installation Guide (doc)
Installation guide V3.doc English TELchart V3 Software Installation Guide (doc)
Filename Description
NoSM.exe Utility program that prevents serial ports from being interpreted as mice/trackballs by windows. Instructions: Store locally on the computer and place a shortcut to the program in the 'Startup' folder in the Start-menu. Add '/S' after the program name in the shotcut.
SSD7.4.0.exe Driver for Sentinel code plug (Compatible with Windows XP and Vista). Utility program for swapping between different eToken code plugs.
RTU-Fix.exe Fix for 'Communication Error' when using C-Map RTU. If the system is connected directly to the internet and 'Auto' update fails, the problem may be solved by applying this fix, as long as Internet Explorer 7 is present on the system.
TELCNAME.EXE Installation program for Name Search option support files.
codeplugtest.exe Test software for the Sentinel code plug.
ErrorSentinel.txt List of possible Sentinel code plug errors with explanations.