Telko in the media: Sjöfartstidningen
In the latest edition of the Swedish Sjöfartstidningen you can read about the TECDIS installation on Stena Vinga. Telko International AB has performed a complete rebuild of the front of bridge systems. A dual TECDIS installation together with Furuno Radars is now installed on the bridge.
In the article you can read more about Stena Vinga’s experience with TECDIS (the article is written in swedish), but to sum up their main reason for choosing Telko and TECDIS is simplicity:
It’s in line with our desire to remove unnecessary features for the navigators. Many ECDIS systems on the market today have received many features in a short period of time. But Telko’s system is a simpler, cleaner system.
Read more about the views of Stena Line and Telko about a simpler and more modular approach to bridge designs for the future. Telko International AB’s very own Jonas Trygg has provided a lot of insight in the article, and it is truly worth the read.
The full article is available in Sjöfartstidningen number 10/2018, and in the pdf below: